Security has always been a matter of grave concern for IT-related personnel’s. Network systems are expanding in range, size, texture, and workloads are maximized to a great extent. The security has to be up to the task to secure the network systems. The network of systems, chain or interconnected computers is split and divided into smaller parts to make the network more secure and additionally more granular.
The attributes of firewalls, virtual local area networks (VLAN’s) and access control list (ACL) are applied to secure networks at large. But the application of these tools at broader and one central level to the networks doesn’t assure vigilant security at each individual focal point in the network. Wear and tears and hiccups can arise and fault zones can be found at isolated points and junctions.
Thus break up of a larger network into smaller components becomes important followed by the application of security-related software’s, tools and protocols so that each distinct group is self-sustainable insecurity.
We can consider the example of a few biological species to elaborate the phenomenon. Tapeworms and flatwork belong to a group of worms, their body is highly segmented, each component possesses all the basic units necessary to support life and still they all act as one with a centralized control, a single head.
Virtualization of networks and software-based networks has made the task of micro-segmentation very much possible, attainable and sustainable.
Virtualization of networks and software-based networks has made the task of micro-segmentation very much possible, attainable and sustainable.
Intrusion prevention systems (IPS) and firewalls support the cause of network security with a top-bottom approach or north-south approach. The data’s flowing in the data centers is taken into consideration and checked for security breaches. With the application of micro-segmentation the lateral dimensions, the east-west direction of data flow with the chain of computers is checked so each and every unit is highly secure.
Most of the times, the IT-related firms, data centers, pour in a lot of money, in centralized security systems such as the installation of firewalls and related mechanics at the central point to counter external intrusions, the bits, and pieces of the network segments are taken into consideration when the data flows laterally. With micro-segmentation, the space of a possible attack by the intruder is limited to a greater extent as less surface area shall be exposed which goes unchecked.
Security settings need to be altered accordingly for different types of traffic going in and out of the networks.
More checks and balances can be asserted with individual series of workloads and applications as compared to the explicitly available content. The security system thus moves along when a specific attribute is triggered or when a specific set of workload starts transmitting data via communication mode. The task is eased out; decentralization allows autonomy and vigilant surveillance at either ends or in-between the various components of the network. Over a period of time, various fine segments can be reoriented of patched up to decrease the number and varieties of firewalls, IPS and monitoring systems.
Thus the task can be further simplified by the reunion of various finely grained segments, to avoid bizarre and overuse of proxies and firewalls.
Hardware-based firewalls are replaced by software-backed security systems in micro-segmentation which is an additional benefit as bulky infrastructure are replaced with ‘set of instruction’ mode to secure the networks.
The security policies are synchronized with the related workload or an application, particular sequence of data, thus mapping is the key figure in assigning security tracking system to the right workload or application. Mapping can be a difficult task from the onset, but as things settle down, the trickledown effect is easy to monitor. The systems and operations become far more flexible over a period of time and this is where micro-segmentation becomes handy.
The point is that is micro-segmentation vital or a necessity? The answer is yes because only in the year 2015, more than 2000 cases were registered where sensitive data was compromised. The U.S companies incurred a loss of nearly $6 million in a single year (2015) and that was primarily because of security breaches and successful eavesdropping activities. Micro-segmentation thus becomes a prime force, a medium of virtualization, where autonomous enclaves are created, built and generated for flawless and secure computing, devoid of any lapses, active and successful intrusions. Enforcement of micro-segmentation, in software-based data centers, allows more control, check, leverage and autonomy which successfully bind the various factions for more proficient and distinct outcomes, some of which includes:
Self-controlled (automated provisioning):
Pre-defined procedures are inculcated into the system, mapping of right security checks for a specific application workload or a device is done and then it’s left up to the system to respond to the call in an autonomous way.
Move-add-change is self-reciprocating:
MAC or move-add-change structure is automated, as micro-segmentation provides the user with the extra-leverage of auto-configuration or up gradation.
Distributed enforcement of rules, guidelines, and policies:
This is the pinnacle and bottom-line of micro-segmentation, each network layer, component and feature is taken into account before applying instructions and setting security rules and checks and balance. Each junction and each node is special and is levied with some charge, to make it responsible and this is the principle of effective communication.
Self-reliability is what is intended and demanded out of the tech industry, a pre-requisite is set and then computers are expected to perform and respond in the wake of varying circumstances to change discourse.
Development of east-west trends:
With the installation of multitier, multidimensional infrastructures in the organizations and data centers, more data flows within the various factions accounting for the east-west or lateral movement of data dominating the north-south flow of data from the server to clients.
The system becomes more vulnerable to thefts and security breaches can incur huge financial losses and inefficiencies. The deployment of virtual servers entailing micro-segmentation features serves as the deterrent in handling multi-routed data.
Persistence and continuity:
Once a set of commands is assigned to a particular application, device or workload, it remains effective irrespective of alterations and variations in the environment. The continuity removes ambiguity associated with the application of security systems, as long as the system is compatible to cope with the intrusions, it shall at all end; serve the purpose without giving up.
Each dimension of workload is set up, located, studied and valued against others, and the tasks to be accomplished with a specific workload (web, database, application) are looked into before assigning a code of conduct which secures the system through thick and thin.
All the components and layers of functionality within the network are given equal important so that nothing goes unchecked. This is another advantage of micro-segmentation which allows unprecedented checks and balances, covering all the operational aspects to create a secure zone entailing all the dynamics, features of a computing networking.
Steps to improve network security systems:
Virtualization of servers:
Micro-segmentation and virtualization go hand in hand. One complements the other, virtualization replaces the conventional hardware’s with the software’s making computing and network more affirmative, transparent and determined.
Then comes the second phase of securing the virtualized networks, and this time around micro-segmentation tools and techniques must be applied to distinguish each component of the network to act and behave independently. Each independent zone is then assigned a set of protocols, instructions, firewall depending upon its need, and is automated to self-sustain the sub-fraction or the finely grained segment to ensure high-class security along each dimension, node and junction, and along all focal points, covering the top-to-bottom data flow and the lateral movement of data.
Thus the ship moves swiftly at the period of respite or when some disturbance in the tidal movement takes place.
Encryption along all ends:
Decentralized of virtual servers provide the leverage of segregation and flexible partition of various factions.
Each end and various points of connectivity can be addressed, each physical node, workload, the application can be monitored and looked into for its needs before assigning a key, a set of instructions to secure itself against intrusions.
MAC addresses filtering:
Using MAC address to validate connectivity, minimize the chances of malware to a larger extent. The guests won’t be allowed to connect with the host network before legitimizing the MAC address of his digital equipment helps to reduce the threat level of the security breach.
Physical security:
Physical security is also as important as virtualization and micro-segmentation techniques are. If the physical boundaries of the organization aren’t secure enough to avoid an activity of eavesdropping then countering unwanted data traffic won’t serve the real purpose.
The Ethernet port cables and sockets must be secured properly so that a hacker shouldn’t use the ‘live active wire’ to connect illegally with the local network to cause panic and disturbance. Micro-segmentation and virtualization thus become the key element of securing the modern day networks. Networking is nothing without effective security measures.
Micro-segmentation is the division of labor, in short, a division of assets, and division of authority to automate the security system which results in a multilayered, integrated model leading each other to the ultimate goal of securing the zone and the network eventually.
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